Installing the Wiring Harness Plug the switch into the wiring harness.
Installing the Selective Yellow Lenses into the D4 Pod Use a 2.5mm hex key to remove the 4 M4 screws. Notice that the lenses I'm using are the hybrid ones.. They have 2 clear and 2 fluted lenses for a combination of spot and flood. The flutes have to be mounted vertically and on the bottom.
Installing the Selective Yellow Lenses into the D4 Pod Lifting the bezel and original clear lens off.
Installing the Selective Yellow Lenses into the D4 Pod Transfer the rubber gasket from the clear lens to the yellow lens.
Installing the Selective Yellow Lenses into the D4 Pod Place the lens with gasket back into the light. Make sure the fluted lenses will end up vertical and on the bottom when they are finally mounted.
Installing the Selective Yellow Lenses into the D4 Pod Screw the M4 screws back in till they push the bezel all the way down.
Installing the Wiring Harness I decided to put the DataDim Controller in the plastic tool box that serves as the battery cover. I ran the light switch and light pod cables up under the left side of the tank into the area behind the left cowling.
Installing the Wiring Harness The DataDim module easily fits in the plastic tool box in front of the battery.
Installing the Wiring Harness First I removed the fuse. I tucked the red and black wires and the fuse up over the top of the battery box and connected the red and black wires to the battery.
Installing the Wiring Harness I used a Dremel tool to square off the 1/2" hole.
Installing the Wiring Harness I fed the connectoor through and plugged it in.
Installing the Hi - Low - Off Switch I routed the switch wire along with the rest of the bundle to the left cowl area.
Installing the Wiring Harness The connector with the 2 plug ends goes to the light pods. The thin white wire goes to the ignition on power source which I have already prepared up by the 12v accessory connector.
Test the Lights The electrical harness is in place and everything is still opened up so now is the time to test everything out. I put the 10A fuse back in the holder by the battery and turned on the bike.
Connect the Switched Power to the 12v accessory harness I like solder because it's a good connection that doesn't come undone. Slip some shrink tubing over the connection and it's done.
Bundle all the Wires Tie the wires up with cable ties so they're neat. I don't want anything to get in the way of putting the fairing back on. It turned out that the black and red wires from the Garmin GPS got in the way of putting the fairing back on. I had to tuck them under the gas tank on the right.
Tuck the Battery Connections Up and Out of the Way There's room above the battery for the extra wire and the 10a fuse.
Securing the DataDim Module I don't want the DataDim module to be flopping around in the plastic battery cover so I'm sticking it in with Velcro.
Finish the Battery Cover I sealed all around the inside and outside of the hole in the box with silicone seal.
Finish the Battery Cover The wiring harness entering the battery cover kept the cover from seating flat against the battery box. The bottom left edge of the battery box is interfearing so I cut it away.
Finish the Battery Cover The battery box is notched to accept the wiring harness.
Finish the Battery Cover The box cover seats flat and you can screw it in to the bike.
Finish the Battery Cover The cover is secure.