Oil drain crush washers 15 - (12mm) 94109-12000 Amazon 12.00
Pro Honda 10w 30 GN4 4 oil Filter 15410-MFJ-D02
12mm Hex. Remove the skid plate.
I drained this one first because it's centered and the oil won't flow out of the drain pan.
I got the drain pan as close to the center stand as I could so the oil doesn't splash all over.
I didn't have the right size filter wrench and the filter was on too tight so I unscrewed it with a channel lock plier.
12mm crush washers to seal the oil drain plugs. The old one is on the top right.
Wipe all the oil off the filter mount.
Put a little fresh oil on the rubber filter seal. I put a towel between the filter and the filter wrench to enable the wrench to grip. I tightened it 1/2 turn past hand tight.
The 2 - 12mm drain plugs get tightened to 22 ft/lbs.
Wipe any oil off the bottom. The oil attracts dirt.
I filled the bike with 4 quarts 3.5oz of Honda 10w 30 GN4 oil. Run the bike for a few minutes to circulate the oil through the bike and fill the new filter.
With the bike straight up stick the dip stick in the hole. Don't screw it in. Fill the bike till the oil is at the top mark on the dipstick. Run the bike for a few minutes. Check for oil leaks. Replace the skid plate